Saturday, 15 October 2016


Making Gloop - great way to end the first week of Term 4! 


Solid or Liquid: Cornflour is made of lots of long, stringy particles.  When water is added they do not dissolve in water, but they do spread themselves out.  This allows the gloop to act both like a solid and a liquid.  When you roll the mixture in your hands or apply pressure to it, the particles join together and the mixture feels solid.  But if it is left to rest or is held up and allowed to dribble, the particles slide over each other and it feels like a liquid.





Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Loud Shirt Day

The student government held a fundraising mufti day on the last day of term. The Loud Shirt Day was to support Children's Cochlear Implants. A few photos from the school assembly. Well done to Kiera as Prime Minister for the initial suggestion.



Judo in Room 22

While the hall was unavailable due to the productions, judo was in Room 22 on a Monday at 5 pm. And the stacks of mats for 3 weeks was a welcome seating addition - well used!! Gabrielle and Keir - Room 22 judoka. 

Morning Meeting

Each morning we have a morning meeting with all of Arataki Team. One of the favourite waiata is Tu Tira Mai. This video was made to send to Miss P in Vietnam who is wanting to teach her class the music and actions. 

Buddy Learning - What Room 22 does well!

Room 22 are excellent buddies - they have worked with Room 2 and Room 19 this term using their knowledge of digital learning with their buddies.

The Piper Man

At last the performance came together and the Piper Man show was an awesome success!

Rats and Freddie Dancers getting ready for the stage....

First Kapa Haka group performance

A superb performance by the Kapa Haka Group. Whaea Lani has been working with the group every Thursday morning before school, and then Room 22 are learning from her at 9.30 am.